Photonics France

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HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS FRANCE : Hamamatsu’s new MPPC (SiPM) for LiDAR Applications with increased Photon Detection Efficiency

Hamamatsu Photonics, a pioneer and global leader in photonics technology, is excited to announce the expansion of its multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) product line. Among the newest additions, the S16786-0515WM stands out as a testament to the company's continuous innovation in light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology.


The newly launched S16786-0515WM is a near-infrared, high-sensitivity SiPM designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced LiDAR applications. This cutting-edge sensor marks a significant advancement over its predecessors, featuring a reduced SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) size. This refinement enables an increase in Photon Detection Efficiency, achieving a remarkable 15% at 905 nm, thanks to the integration of Microlens technology. Furthermore, the sensor maintains a broad dynamic range while ensuring minimal crosstalk probability, due to trench technology.

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